Tag: Kiki.D Made a Name For Herself

  • Blog Post #8: How to Grow Your Career (30 Tips For Artists)

    Successful people know the importance of consistency and execution. Consistency equals: What do you do often? And execution equals: How well do you do (it)? As a music artist, every person and experience matters. To be the best, it helps to be self-aware. Here are 30 tips that will help you climb to the top…

  • Blog Post #7: Small Talk Skrtt

    There have been times when I have felt unsafe in the passenger seat of an Uber/Lyft ride. When your driver is overly talking to you, how do you stop them from speaking? Recently, a family member of mine told me that sometimes they accompany their friend in an Uber/Lyft ride to their destination. When I…

  • Blog Post #6: Da Grass Sees

    The grass grows while you’re scared, tired, or confident. Time waits for nobody, but that doesn’t mean rush. As you decide whether or not to run through the tall grass, it’s only going to get taller and by going for it you will open your life to amazing possibilities and opportunities. The grass can symbolize…

  • Blog Post #5: Ownership

    Instagram and Facebook are overly saturated platforms. Filled with algorithms, trolls, and advertisements that have taken over our feeds, these apps are forever changing and it’s important to keep up with what’s new. In addition to in app updates, human behavior is constantly evolving and ‘taking a social media cleanse’ has been a recent trend.…

  • Blog Post #4: Fear vs Focus

    I describe myself as a ‘challenge accepted’ type of person. I typically don’t shy away from problem solving because the infinite amount of problems in this world created me. In my opinion, to problem solve means to prepare for accountability. And from that perspective, I can see why people typically prefer to be passive, submissive,…

  • Artistry, Community, and Opportunity

    On every college campus there are students who separate themselves from the crowd. With passion and hustle, many students balance their lifestyles between being full-time students and entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, these types of students are typically overlooked. Bigger events and established names tend to receive more promotion and attention, so word of mouth (online or offline)…

  • Blog Post #2: To my Fans

    Sometimes I take life for granted. Having fans, shows, and aspirations is something that many people wish for and I am reminded everyday. My music career was built off of the strength of you, you, and you, and your support speaks volumes of love. To every person that has ever streamed my music or attended…

  • Blog Post #1

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.